Monday, 26 July 2010

A charm of finches

Evolutionists are usually of the opinion that the world and everything in it has evolved gradually. So gradually that the timescale is considered by some of the greatest scientific minds to be millions or billions of years in the making.

Earth is thought to be 4.5 billion years old. Minerals were formed. Later still, Animals and plant life appeared.

But what came first, the chicken or the egg? the answer is now thought by some to be DNA. But where did the DNA come from?

DNA exists. But how did it get here? Was it by chance or, by design?

Intelligent Design refers to God. Those who prefer a Darwinian view on the existence of life argue that what you see all around you was not created by God but by chance; that evolution on Earth is a very slow process that has taken millions or billions of years for life in all of its diversity to reach the stage it has today.

If we accept that existence today has been created by purely an evolutionary process then there must have been times when the process was incomplete.

For instance, the eye of any living creature must have taken millions of years to evolve until finally the eye is fully formed.

The strange thing is - and this fact has been voiced by Martin Down in his book 'Deluded by Darwinism' - that over the past one hundred and fifty years millions of fossils have been discovered around the world and not one them reveals any evidence of this process; every fossil found is fully formed.

So what is going on? I was led to believe that evolution was a process but there is absolutely no evidence of this process except within creatures of the same species.

The Finch was first observed by Darwin in the Galapagos Islands about one hundred and fifty years ago. These observations amounted to evidence of a variation in the evolutionary process and it is convincingly argued that The Galapagos Finch has evolved into a new species of Finch uniquely adapted to its island environment and habitat.

But this charm of Galapagos Finches remain Finches. They are not seagulls or penguins. Nor, given the lack of evidence to the contrary, ever likely to become seagulls or penguins.

What does this mean?

It means the evolutionary process explains only the development of small differences between species. Martin Down writes:

"Darwin's error was to mistake variation within a narrow range of organisms for the evolution of all forms of life; to mistake what is called micro-evolution for mega-evolution."

If we are not descended from Apes where have we come from? Why are we here?

For an atheistic Evolutionist the answers are often complicated. The answer depends on time - a lot of time and on in believing in something which does not have the evidence to sustain the theory posited. For the Creationist the answer is simple. It is an answer which depends on revelation, personal explanation and, faith.

That answer is, God.

*quote from book and much inspiration thereof on this subject taken from 'Deluded by Darwinism?' By Martin Down.


  1. Hello, Nobby,

    What intrigues me is that nobody knows what the true nature of the world (universe) is. It is all to easy to say that it is made of some 'stuff' called matter, little particles of something. But that is only how our senses feel the world ; and yet we build huge and complicated theories on it.

    It has been said that the world is, in fact, a spiritual place. In which case, scientific theories (like all theories) are nothing but the evolution of human consciousness - of our awareness of the nature of the world. So, the biological evolution theory is just the evolution of consciousness over the past 150 years or so. Room for meditation there!

  2. Yes Jamie. The evolution of human consciousness is something that I suspect has been going on for 50,000 years but that is another story.

    If you have a spare moment take a look at the aforementioned book. There are more revelations worthy of your comment.

  3. Hello Nobby,

    I commented on Myt. Good to see you and hope you are well.
