Saturday, 3 July 2010

A Clash of Civilizations

n the Summer of 1993 Samuel Huntington wrote about a "A Clash of Civilizations". He talks about the future conflicts of Mankind which he says will be increasingly based upon cultural differences. But I am not about to write a book review. I do not have enough time for this. What I would like to say, however, is that the history of this world tells us that power does not stand still. It either displays its strength or wither and dies. Nature abhors a vacuum. If America, and its cultural and religious inheritance ie Christianity, were to forego its role as the world's Policeman someone else would necessarily step into their shoes. It will not be the EU because it does not have the political will to enforce moral imperatives. So who would fill a power vacuum left by The United States? I think the concern is that the answer to this question is Islam. This is the reason for all of the blogs. My guess is that if those who now write blogs about Islam were suddenly to heed recent advice and refrain from doing so those who follow Islam would gain in confidence and begin to assert their own views. World history tells us that more often than not people base their cultural identity through language, race and religion. Multiculturalism is, as yet, an unproven liberal ideal. We all wait to see the consequences.


  1. Hello Nobby,

    "My guess is that if those who now write blogs about Islam were suddenly to heed recent advice and refrain from doing so those who follow Islam would gain in confidence and begin to assert their own views."

    I'm not sure I understood it correctly.

  2. Levent, Good to see you here. First of all this was written several years ago and at that time on MyT there seemed to be more reason for a view on the subject than there is today. In other words, people have now said what they had to say which is how things ought to be in a society which applaudes free speech. With this in mind, my suggestion is that if people said nothing then others with contray views would say more than they do.

  3. Thank you Nobby. I think you are right.
