Good morning Nobby Marya's new page, rather wonderful it is too, has led me here. I did not realise you too had a blog page of your own. I liked this piece elsewhere, I like it better here. The pic adds a dimension to it all.
I was in London yesterday. Glorious day. Driving through the East end, a striking church spire caught my eye in the bright sunshine and I quickly took a photo with my mobile. Too bad I missed the tip of the spire. Later, when I googled it, I was delighted to find out that it was the oldest church in London, All Hallows. If I could, I wonder post the pic here!
Sounds heavenly, Nobby :-)
ReplyDeleteGood morning Nobby
ReplyDeleteMarya's new page, rather wonderful it is too, has led me here. I did not realise you too had a blog page of your own. I liked this piece elsewhere, I like it better here. The pic adds a dimension to it all.
Thanks Shermeen. I'm pleased you like it here :-)
ReplyDeleteI was in London yesterday. Glorious day. Driving through the East end, a striking church spire caught my eye in the bright sunshine and I quickly took a photo with my mobile. Too bad I missed the tip of the spire. Later, when I googled it, I was delighted to find out that it was the oldest church in London, All Hallows.
ReplyDeleteIf I could, I wonder post the pic here!
Altogether better than a polluted city in China. :-)
ReplyDeleteBe my guest Shermeen :-)Sabina has my email address.
ReplyDeleteYou can say that again Ana.
ReplyDeleteIndeed it is Ana :-)